Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR DEDALES (2014–2017):

“Algebraic and Geometric Domain Decomposition for Subsurface Flow”. The project aims at developing high performance software for the simulation of two phase flow in porous media. The project will specifically target parallel computers where each node is itself composed of a large number of processing cores, such as are found in new generation many-core architectures. The partners are Hiepacs , Laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie et Application , Maison de la Simulation and Andra . The coordinator of the project is M. Kern.

ANR GEOPOR (2014–2017):

“Geometrical approach for porous media flows: theory and numerics”, with Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions (Université de Paris 6).

ANR MANIF (2011–2014):

“Mathematical and numerical issues in first-principle molecular simulation”, with CERMICS (École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées), and Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions (Université de Paris 6).

C2S@Exa (Computer and Computational Sciences at Exascale, 2011–2015)

is an Inria Project Lab (IPL). This national initiative aims at the development of numerical modeling methodologies that fully exploit the processing capabilities of modern massively parallel architectures in the context of a number of selected applications related to important scientific and technological challenges for the quality and the security of life in our society. This project supports in particular the PhD of N. Birgle, supervised by. J. Jaffré, which is part of an Inria-Andra collaboration.

Projet P (2011–2015)

is funded by the French FUI (Fonds Unique Interministériel). Project P aims at supporting the model-driven engineering of high-integrity embedded real-time systems by providing an open code generation framework. The contribution of project-team Pomdapi is in the domain of language translation and block-schema modelization semantics. This project supports the work of C. Franchini, under the supervision of P. Weis.